GOP presidential candidate and “Contrarian Commentary”
columnist Andy Martin breaks his 16-year silence on George W. Bush’s dirty
tricks campaign against Senator John McCain in the 2000 South
Carolina primary. Andy was accidentally wired in to
the dirty tricks operation and now explains why the Bush Family political
operatives have been lying since 2000. Andy says that Monday (February 15th)
former President George W. Bush should apologize to the people of South
Carolina and John McCain for smearing McCain in the
2000 primary.
Andy also criticizes Jeb Bush for complaining about
criticism of his “family” when Jeb drags family members into the campaign.
Finally, Andy says the entire Bush Administration lied about
the bogus basis for invading Iraq
in 2003. Jeb Bush is disqualified for the presidency because he keeps defending
his brother’s criminal actions in South Carolina
and Iraq . “It
was not a ‘mistake’ that we invaded Iraq ,”
Andy says. “It was a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of the Bush
Administration to lie about the facts in 2002-2003. I was there; I knew the
truth and saw the truth. The Republican Party has to accept the truth that
‘Bush lied, people died.’ Jeb Bush cannot be elected president as long as he
continues to defend his brother’s criminality and incompetence in the White
House. Donald Trump may be abrasive but he is telling the truth about Bush
Family calumny.”
Republican candidate for
President of the United States
“Make America Great Again”
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presidential candidate and “Contrarian Commentary” columnist Andy Martin breaks
his 16-year silence to expose George W Bush’s dirty tricks against John McCain in
South Carolina
says George W. Bush owes South Carolinians and John McCain a
long-delayed apology
says Jeb Bush should stop complaining about his “family” when Jeb drags them
into the presidential campaign
says the entire Bush Administration lied about the bogus basis for invading Iraq in 2003
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(Manchester , NH )
(February 15, 2016 )
Dear American:
This is my twelfth letter to the American people from the
2016 campaign trail. Today you are going to learn the truth about a footnote to
history: the Bush Family’s campaign of character assassination against John
McCain in the 2000 South Carolina
primary. I know the truth because I was there.
I have buttoned my lips for sixteen years because I could not
disclose the truth in 2000; since then, the time has not been right for
But Jeb Bush's continuing defense of his brother George w.
Bush Saturday night (February 13th) in the 2016 South
Carolina primary mandates that I break my silence and
expose Bush Family fraud and criminality.
1. The truth about George W. Bush’ smears of John McCain
in 2000 in South Carolina
Sometimes the truth and the facts are surprising; sometimes
they are even more bizarre than they seem. My connection to the Bush Family’s
lies in South Carolina in the
2000 primary are amazing.
Starting in December, 1999 I began broadcasting an ad over
WMUR-TV accusing then-governor George W. Bush of wanting to start a war with Iraq .
The ad generated a lot of controversy and helped defeat George Bush in the 2000
New Hampshire primary. So,
obviously, I was not a supporter of George W. Bush. Ironically, I was also not
a supporter of John McCain. McCain benefited from my disclosures.
Likewise these remarks will benefit and defend Donald
Trump’s accusations. But I am not a supporter of Trump either. And while I am
certain Trump was an opponent of the 2003 invasion after the invasion, I am not
aware of any published comments in which Trump actually opposed the invasion of
Iraq before it took place. On the contrary, starting in 2002 the Bush
Administration created a climate of intimidation and retaliation against anyone
who exposed the insanity of the upcoming (2003) invasion. That is why so many
Democrats were afraid to stand up and voice their own doubts.
Here is where the 2000 story and the truth take a strange
I was consulting for a client that had retained a group of
individuals in Washington , DC .
Entirely unrelated to our common efforts on behalf of a client, those
individuals were antagonistic to McCain and offered their assistance and
support as veterans to the George W. Bush’s presidential campaign.
I knew when Bush’s “veterans” took off to South
Carolina to smear John McCain. And when McCain
complained of the smear, Bush and Karl Rove pleaded ignorance.
Rove had completely orchestrated and directed the veterans
who were used to smear McCain. The dirty tricksters were given pride-of-place
at a Bush South Carolina rally. They were a featured photo-op. I watched the
whole smear operation unfold from the inside. Ultimately, the Bush/Rove smear
on McCain backfired, but not until after McCain had lost the South
Carolina primary and with it any prospect of the
And there is yet another twist to the tale. The veterans who
attacked McCain became so toxic that when Bush was ultimately elected after
their help in South Carolina ,
Rove ignored them; they never received the political plums they had expected
for their infamous behavior. Bush and Rove stiffed Bush’s own saboteurs.
So, today, when George W. Bush returns to South
Carolina to support his brother Jeb, George should
start by issuing apologies to John McCain and to the people of South
Carolina . The people of South Carolina
love a tough campaign, even a bare-knuckled one. But there is no evidence that South
Carolinians accept lies, distortions and dirty tricks of the type
used by Bush to smear military heroes such as John McCain.
Neither Bush nor Rove have ever apologized for orchestrating
the South Carolina smears in 2000.
They pretend they know nothing about their own dirty tricksters. The lies
continue sixteen years later. I knew the truth sixteen years ago, and now you
do too. Bush and Rove owe the people of South Carolina
and John McCain an apology and admission that the Bush campaign orchestrated
the smears against McCain.
2. Jeb Bush’s hollow complaints about “attacks on his
Americans in general agree that family members should not be
dragged into a political campaign. But what happens when someone such as Bush
brings his family members into a campaign to bolster his sagging efforts and his
relatives start making stupid remarks? Bush’s “mommy” says he is a nice son. Is
that a basis to elect him president? Or is Jeb trying to trade on his family
connections for political gain? That is a proper target of criticism. If Bush doesn’t
want his family members to be criticized by Donald Trump he should ask them to
stay at home. Jeb should run on his own merits and not his mother’s apron
3. The truth about George W. Bush administration lies and
criminality prior to invading Iraq
The Republican Party has never been able to accept the fact
that Dick Cheney and George Bush and their henchmen corrupted the U. S. Government
to create a false pretext for the invasion of Iraq
in 2003. Not until Donald Trump started attacking Jeb Bush in 2015 was the question
of George W. Bush’s corruption and incompetence involving Iraq
opened to a new round of Republican self-examination.
Amazingly, many Republicans continue to deny reality, to
accuse the “Democrats” of “partisanship” for exposing George W. Bush’s
outrageous invasion of Iraq ,
and to ignore the blatant misconduct of Bush and Cheney. While the “Bush lied,
people died” meme is used primarily by Democrats, the accusation is factually
100% correct.
I have a background as a Middle East
expert. I first went to the area in 1970. I even lived in Iraq
in 2003 after the ill-fated invasion. I knew in 2002 and 2003 there were no weapons
of mass destruction. Why didn’t the president? Why did Bernie Sanders know the
invasion was crazy, and Hillary Clinton didn’t? The facts were obvious; there
was no secret font of information.
And yet Jeb Bush continues to defend his brother’s invasion
of Iraq and
claims GW “kept us safe.” How much safer would we be today if thousands of
Americans lost in Iraq
were still alive, if tens of thousands of maimed Americans had not been maimed
and if trillions of dollars of debt had never been incurred?
Jeb and George W. Bush think history will view GW more
favorably than current commentators. They are delusional. History will be even
harsher, as the chaos which GW Bush set in motion continues to destabilize the
Is Bush more popular since leaving office? Well, yes. He has
had the decency to stay out of the limelight. I know from insiders that George
W. Bush is a “nice guy.” I bear him no personal ill will. But he was dumb and
incompetent and his administration will live in infamy.
George W. Bush did not “cause” 9/11. But he was warned of
the threat and chose to ignore it. Is negligence culpability? You be the judge.
Trump inartfully states the 9/11 case against Bush, but on substance Trump is
correct. To ignore warnings is to invite disaster.
I use the term “Bush Administration criminality” with a proper
basis to do so. Bush officials compromised the security of a CIA
official, endangering her and her family as well as her contacts, in
retaliation for her husband’s denying the existence of an Iraqi uranium-buying
operation. That exposure was a crime.
Colin Powell was given ludicrously false intelligence to
present to the UN. That was a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001.
Although no one will ever be prosecuted, all of the Bush Administration’s
falsehoods and fabrications constituted criminal actions. The truth hurts. Even
fourteen years later Republicans cannot accept that Bush-Cheney devastated the United
States with thousands of unnecessary deaths,
tens of thousands of serious casualties and trillions of dollars in unnecessary
debt, all of which were totally unnecessary.
But the “past was past” until the emergence of Donald Trump.
“Conservatives” are now attacking Trump for telling the
truth about the folly of the Iraq
invasion. Here is the truth again: “Bush lied, people died.” Do Republicans
expect to win the White House in 2016 by once again insulting the intelligence
of the American people? Trump may not be the ideal candidate (full disclosure:
I am) but Trump knows that lying to ourselves as conservatives and Republicans
about the calamities of the Bush Family will not help elect a Republican
president in 2016.
Did George W. Bush fail as president because he was stupid
or because he was incompetent? Was he a willing or unwitting dupe of Cheney? To
quote that great philosopher of chaos, “What difference does it make?” Bush
lied, people died.
The ill-advised withdrawal scheme that Barack Obama
implemented in Iraq
had originally been negotiated by the Bush Administration. So while Obama added
his own layer of arrogance and incompetence, it was Bush’s initial failures and
his incompetent withdrawal plan that ultimately doomed our efforts in Iraq .
Bush’s withdrawal agreement gave Obama the option to cut and run in Iraq ,
and Obama took it.
4. Closing thoughts
From the time I first visited Jeb Bush’s grandfather’s U. S.
Senate office in 1958 as a little boy, I have been aware of the Bush Family and
its machinations. I will have more dirt to dish in the days before the South
Carolina primary on February 20th. And all of my revelations
will be true.
Bottom line: Jeb Bush and his family betrayed the trust of
the American people; Jeb is unfit to serve as a presidential candidate of the
Republican Party let alone be elected to the office of president.
Sincerely yours,
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One author has
called Andy Martin the “big kahuna” of the anti-[Barack] Obama movement.
Another said “Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy] brings to
online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael Moore to film:
sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…” Another says,
“The only American journalists that are ‘standing UP’ [to Obama] are, Andy
Andy Martin is a
legendary New Hampshire , New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author,
Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster
and media critic. With forty-eight years of background in radio and television
and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington , the USA and around the world, Andy provides
insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a
full bio, go to:;
also see
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American
politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive director of the
National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
He is the author
of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the
Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the
Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at
Andy’s family
immigrated to Manchester , New
Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where
he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire ’s leading corruption fighter and
Republican Party reformer.
Andy’s columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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Andy Martin 2016 – All Rights Reserved