Friday, February 18, 2011

2012 Presidential election officially begins President’s Day in Deering, New Hampshire

Republican Party Presidential Candidate Andy Martin will officially launch the 2012 presidential campaign Monday with a President’s Day speech in the historic Town Hall of Deering, New Hampshire. Martin is the only officially announced Republican candidate; his campaign holds the first formal event of the 2012 presidential campaign. Martin will address the growing controversy with Fox News, Karl Rove and the “Birther” question.

New Hampshire, here we are! The tape is rolling”



“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States


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Republican presidential Candidate Andy Martin formally launches the 2012 presidential campaign when he speaks to the Contoocook Valley Republican Committee on President’s Day

Martin’s speech will blend comments on his candidacy with praise for President Ronald Reagan (text available Monday)

Martin will also address the growing intra-party controversy involving Fox News, Bill O’Reilly and Karl Rove, and their efforts seeking to read anti-Obama “Birthers” out of the Republican Party

Martin uses a historic New England town meeting setting for his presidential address

Listen to Andy’s hot interview Friday on WTPL-FM, Concord

(MANCHESTER, NH)(February 18, 2011) Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin will formally launch the 2012 presidential campaign with a speech at the historic Town Hall in Deering, New Hampshire on President’s Day (see links below).

Andy was interviewed Friday morning on WTPL-FM. Later this evening you can listen to the lively exchange at

The text of Martin’s speech will be available Monday afternoon. Video of the speech will be posted on the Internet as soon as possible.

Martin’s speech blends comments about his qualifications with praise for the role President Ronald Reagan played in Andy’s life.

“American democracy began with the historic New England town meeting,” Andy said Friday. “It is a humbling experience to deliver what is the first official speech by the first officially-announced Republican candidate for President of the United States.

“I am appreciative that a committee of New Hampshire Republicans invited me to address them, to formally open the 2012 campaign. Many other ‘candidates’ are traveling across the U. S. Can’t these Republicans decide if they are competent to fill Barack Obama’s shoes? It isn’t a very high standard.

“Only one candidate has formally announced and filed with the Federal Election Commission as an actual candidate. Me.

“Tuesday we produce the first television commercials of the 2012 presidential campaign at a Manchester TV station. We’re on the move.

“I have been writing Monday’s speech for some time. But in the last week a firestorm has arisen on NBC News and Fox News, in which Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly have sought to demonize so-called ‘Birthers’ (see link below). As the person who ‘gave birth’ to this movement with my research, writing and speeches about Barack Obama’s opaque past(link below), I feel morally compelled to defend loyal, honest, Americans who are being attacked by Washington insiders simply because Birthers have doubts about Obama’s origins.

“Rove’s attacks reflect the height of arrogance. Mr. Rove’s record in Washington is not so stellar that he is in a position to condemn other Republicans or conservatives; I know Fox News pays Karl well to pontificate, but in so far as impugning the integrity of other Republicans is concerned maybe it is time for Karl to sit down and shut up. Fox gasbag Bill O’Reilly knows almost nothing about the Birther controversy.

“Ironically, it is liberals who have the best understanding of, and clearest appreciation for, the Birther threat to Barack Obama’s reelection. Republican bigwigs just don’t get it.

“I believe that a Republican presidential candidate who rejects and repudiates Birthers will lose. Republicans can’t afford to alienate or reject 100 million Americans simply because these voters have questions about Obama’s past.

“I am not a one-issue candidate. But there is no denying that Birther issues called me into the area.

“On President’s Day, however, I will offer a complete picture of my qualifications to lead the Republican Party next year. I am the only candidate with the strong record of fighting political and judicial corruption; with the actual foreign policy experience to deal with foreign controversies; and with the independence from Wall Street manipulation and control to command the respect of Main Street Republicans and renew the Reagan revolution and the Reagan coalition,” Martin stated Friday.

“I will run a positive campaign and avoid attacking other candidates. But I will not hesitate to expose or question corruption, conflicts of interest or inconsistencies by other candidates. Republican primary voters deserve the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about every Republican candidate.

“I am deeply humbled by the fact we are making history on Monday. I will endeavor on President’s Day and throughout the campaign to maintain the highest standards of loyalty and integrity to country, flag and Constitution.”


MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329


LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):







LISTEN TO ANDY’S EARLIER TALK RADIO INTERVIEWS (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

[Listen to Friday, February 18th; see the December 29th entry, for two-part podcast]

To hear Andy in Denver go to, click on Peter Boyles show, go to left margin for “Past Shows” and look for February 14, January 26, 21 and 7, 2011 and December 31, 2010 Andy Martin audio (you can download) (some Boyles shows can also be heard on EinhornPress link below)


Bloggers go wild over Andy’s campaign:

(These are totally independent blog postings and are not part of Andy’s official campaign; we are not responsible for the content):





ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” Andy is the legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He promotes his best-selling book, “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and his Internet movie "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Martin has been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring See also

Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2011


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