Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Michele Bachmann’s remarks on Barack Obama’s birth suffer from logorrhea

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin, who created the “Birther” movement, says Michele Bachmann is professionally deficient and an embarrassment to herself. Her remarks on “Good Morning America” regarding Barack Obama’s birth certificate are simply stupid.

Andy Martin: Michele Bachman is a hopeless blabbermouth who can’t control what comes out of her mouth

Martin says Bachmann’s latest nonsense disqualifies her as a presidential candidate



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Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says “Enough is enough” from Michelle Bachmann

Martin says Bachmann’s outburst on Good Morning America, saying “that should settle it,” about Barack Obama, is idiotic

Martin plans a Friday news conference to claim Bachmann is incompetent to be a presidential candidate or president based on grounds other than Wednesday’s outburst

Martin questions whether Michele Bachmann, who says she is an attorney, even understands basic principles of evidence law

Martin says Michele Bachmann is the “Queen of Malapropisms”

(NEW YORK)(April 20, 2011) After reading that Michele Bachmann had “settled” the Barack Obama birth certificate controversy on “Good Morning America” today, Wednesday, April 20th, Republican Presidential candidate Andy Martin issued the following statement:

My campaign daybook had already scheduled a Friday news conference to ridicule Michele Bachmann for her incompetent outburst in another area of presidential discussions. That news conference will be formally announced Thursday and will go forward Friday.

In the meantime, earlier today (April 20th) Michele Bachmann went on ABC News and said “that should settle it” concerning issues concerning Barack Obama’s missing long-form birth certificate. This is only the latest in a long list of exaggerated or incorrect statements that Michele Bachmann makes on a regular and continuing basis.

She recently went to New Hampshire and forgot the Revolutionary War started in Massachusetts. She relied on a newsletter in India for financial information concerning President Obama’s travels. She has made other goofy statements that I will focus on Friday. But you get the gist.

I should point out that despite he fact she is a blabbermouth, Bachmann and I agree on most issues. Nevertheless her malapropisms disqualify her from being a presidential candidate. On a broad sweep of conservative matters, we agree. But leadership potential is determined at the margins, not on the basis of simple commonalities. Bachmann lacks any kind of mature, adult, political judgment when it counts.

Representative Bachmann claims to be a “federal tax lawyer” although the Tax Court is a backwater of the legal profession. But I seriously doubt she was ever a competent attorney. She is seemingly incapable of holding her tongue. She is the number one blabbermouth in politics today, not just in congress, not just in the Republican Party, but everywhere and anywhere. I do not know of anyone else who has a longer string of mistaken remarks than the ones she blurts out on a regular basis. All you have to do is put a TV camera in front of Michele and she starts blabbering.

Bachmann raises a lot of money because she is undeniably entertaining. I find her entertaining. But as I have started to observe her more closely since I became a presidential candidate, you have to wonder about the minds of people who would support this political ditz.

Let’s examine her latest outburst, about the “Birther” controversy that she “settled” today.

Look at what she said:


Reasonable people can disagree over the nature and extent of the Obama birth certificate imbroglio. But no rational person can argue that the documents Obama has produced to date "settles it." No one. Obama has made inconsistent statements, and most of the original evidence has been shrouded in secrecy. Still, some basic points of common reference do exist.

I am called the “King of the Birthers” and yet I make no secret of my disagreement with others over Obama’s family history (see Google link below). But there are core facts, which I developed in Hawai’i and which even Donald Trump relies on:

First, Hawai’i officials have repeatedly confirmed that a “long-form” birth certificate exists in Hawai’i. We do not know what it says, but we know it exists. No one has seen the long-form except for Obama and a couple of other people.

Second, Obama refuses to authorize access to his long-form birth certificate, although he could easily do so.

Third, the birth certificate of any president of the United States is a legitimate historical archive. Mr. Obama is not a private citizen and laws which exist to protect the privacy of private citizens should not be applied to his public records.

Fourth, although Bachmann claims to be an attorney, if she is in fact a lawyer her behavior is professionally unsound. George Stephanopoulos whipped out a “certificate of live birth (‘COLB’).” The backside of that document says the COLB is an “abstract” of a document on file with the state government (anyone can verify this claim since the versions on the Internet also show the backside, see link below). Any lawyer should know that an “abstract” is not a copy; an abstract does not even purport to be a copy. It is a distillation of some of what appears on the original.

Fifth, no court of law in the United States, either federal or state, has to accept an “abstract” of a document as admissible evidence when the original or a certified copy of the original is readily available. So Obama’s “birth certificate” would not be admissible in any court of law in this country. See e.g. Federal Rules of Evidence 1004-1006; Hawai’i Statutes, Title 33, Chapter 626 Article X, Rules of Evidence 1004-1006. Obama tries to confuse the admissibility of his COLB by suggesting the uses to which that document can be put. There is no connection. The COLB would not be admissible as a substitute for his original long-form.

The COLB was released by Obama almost three years ago. In three years Bachmann has repeatedly sought publicity on the question of the birth certificate while all that time the COLB was available for her to review. Why did it take her three years to express an opinion on a document that has been found wanting by other experts and presidential candidates? Obviously, she has never done any due diligence on the birth matter before running her mouth in the past. George Stephanopoulos showed her a piece of paper and she melted. And she wants to be president?

Bachmann apparently suffers from some sort of syndrome where, when she sees a TV camera or interviewer, she “loses it” and starts blurting out incoherent and incompetent information. These kinds of malapropisms may be entertaining, but they are an embarrassment to the Republican Party. Her own colleagues found her leadership skills lacking and declined to offer her a senior position in the House of Representatives. In retrospect, it is obvious congressmen know Bachmann better than her campaign contributors do.

No amount of campaign money can compensate for the fact that Bachmann suffers from political logorrhea. She should stop pretending she is of presidential candidate caliber, sit down, shut up, and start doing her job as a member of the House of Representatives. Or stop cashing her paycheck for a job she is obviously not doing as she blabbers her way across the United States.


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LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):




Andy Martin’s YouTube channel (a partial archive of birth certificate information):


ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” Andy is the legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He promotes his best-selling book, “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and his Internet movie "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Martin has been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring See also;

Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


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