Sunday, August 21, 2011

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin takes “victory lap” over Libya

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin will hold a New York telephone news conference today, Monday, August 22nd to claim that his support for Barack Obama’s Libya policy, and his criticism of other Republican presidential candidates, shows he is the only Republican presidential candidate with the wisdom, maturity, judgment and experience to speak on behalf of foreign policy issues. Martin says the removal of Libyan dictator Ghadaffi finally brings “a measure of justice” to the families of PanAm Flight 103 victims. Martin says New Hampshire Republicans and Independents can be proud to call Andy their “Favorite Son” presidential candidate.

Independent Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says he had the experience and judgment to support President Obama’s Libya policy when other Republicans did not

Martin says he is the only Republican presidential candidate who can “steer the Republican Party to a presidential victory in 2012”

Martin issues a comprehensive analysis of his foreign policy experience in comparison with that of other Republican presidential candidates



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Andy Martin takes a “victory lap” for his support of US policy in Libya

Martin says the media have forgotten we have finally removed the butcher of PanAm Flight 103

Andy Martin demonstrates once again why around the world he is America’s most respected independent foreign policy analyst

(NEW YORK)(August 22, 2011) Corruption-fighting Independent Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin will hold a New York telephone news conference today, Monday, August 22nd to react to the apparent fall of the Ghadaffi regime in Libya and to take a “victory lap” for his support of President Obama’s policy in Libya.

Martin is currently at his national headquarters in New York City.

“I am often asked ‘Why bother to run for president when the national media do not give you as much attention as the “big” candidates? Today people can see why my candidacy is so critical to the future success of the Republican Party.

“This coming Wednesday (August 24th) (details to follow) I’ll have a news conference in Concord, New Hampshire to offer my detailed response to the question of ‘Why are you a candidate?’

“But today, Monday, I can demonstrate to the American people, Republican Party and Independent voters, and the people of New Hampshire why I am the only Republican presidential candidate with the wisdom, maturity, judgment and experience to be their candidate against Barack Obama in 2012.

“The American people are also sick-and-tired of the ‘gridlock’ in Washington. I am also the only candidate who has shown he can work on a bipartisan basis in the foreign policy arena. That’s why I have the only presidential ‘package’ for voters in 2012.

“Ironically, I have also demonstrated why I am the only Republican presidential candidate who can be counted on to support the Israeli people and to bring to a conclusion the over sixty years of conflict with the Palestinian people. My competitors for the nomination blather about being ‘for Israel.’ But their views do more to endanger Israel than to support that country. My wisdom, judgment and experience are what the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires to bring an end to that interminable confrontation.

“I am also pleased and proud to call myself New Hampshire’s ‘favorite son’ presidential candidate because of my family’s 100 years of ties to New Hampshire. New Hampshire independents and Republicans can be proud to call me their own.

“The American people are looking for a president to replace Obama. But they are only going to replace Obama if Republicans offer a candidate who manifests maturity, judgment, wisdom and experience. I have not only shown foreign policy experience going back over four decades; I have shown my foreign policy judgment and experience during the course of the past few months. I have also shown why candidates such as Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich are jokes and do more to reelect Obama than defeat him.

“Today the American people can also celebrate that the orchestrator of the deaths of innocent Americans on PanAm Flight 103 has finally been decapitated and will be brought to justice.

“Presidential politics now operates in a new and more challenging dimension. Every candidate ‘runs on his or her record.’ That’s a given. But because we operate in a news environment where we are constantly called on to make judgments and express opinions, you can also analyze and review how a candidate reacts to unfolding events during the course of the primaries.

“You can actually go back and read what I said in March of this year, and in April, when I supported Obama and criticized Bachmann, and see how I was right and how the ‘crazies’ in the Republican presidential process have disqualified themselves from serious consideration as nominees (see links below). Libya provides a real life ‘foreign policy laboratory’ where you can juxtapose and judge the candidates.

“I have the real world foreign policy experience. When I went to Libya over forty years ago I analyzed the Ghadaffi dictatorship and saw how difficult it would be to dislodge Ghadaffi.

“People who have followed my writing and reporting know I came to national prominence during the 2008 presidential campaign based on my criticism of candidate Barack Obama (see video below). In other words, I was Obama’s first and foremost critic, at a time when the national Republican Party was playing ‘patsy’ with candidate Obama and was afraid to take him on. (To her credit, Sarah Palin wanted to battle Obama, at a time when other Republicans shied away.) I am no patsy.

“Nevertheless, I knew and know that unless and until people in Washington start working together and start talking to each other our national energy will be diminished. That’s why I took the extraordinary step on March 29th of endorsing Obama’s Libya policy at a time when Obama was under attack from other presidential candidates and the Republican Party (link below).

“I wanted Republican primary voters and Independent voters to know that I was willing to put my mouth where I knew it belonged, in support of a bipartisan foreign policy. Granted Obama is not an easy man to support. His ‘policies’ are often opaque and contradictory. But I saw an opening to remove Ghadaffi and I was willing to support Obama’s efforts to remove the Libyan dictator.

“I also criticized the Republican presidential loudmouths such as Bachmann and Gingrich who were trying to play petty politics with foreign policy (see link below). Bachmann, in particular, is a disgrace. She is a nut case, plain and simple. She brags about her service on the ‘Intelligence Committee’ of the Congress but all she has ever documented by that claim is her own foreign policy ignorance and incompetence. Anyone who supports Michele Bachmann or contributes to her campaign demonstrates that person is not serious about defeating Barack Obama.

“Newt Gingrich is just as slimy and oleaginous as he has ever been. He is the Republican ‘Kerry.’ Newt was ‘for’ our policy in Libya—before he was against it.

“We are not living in a world where American power and policy are unchallenged. We face every sort of conceivable challenge. Our allies are spending down their military assets. Popular revolutions are overturning settled relationships going back decades.

“Ghadaffi was a bad man. He orchestrated the slaughter of Americans on PanAm Flight 103, a fact which is seldom mentioned today in the coverage of his downfall. But I have not forgotten Pan Am 103 and the chaos Ghadaffi created. That’s why I was willing to get behind a slow and sometimes frustrating policy to remove him.

“Here are the successes I promoted:

“First, we helped our allies bear the brunt of the Libya campaign. Although Bachman, Gingrich and the other Republicans like to blather about ‘three wars,’ American forces were never in combat. They served in a support capacity for our NATO allies. (There were, of course, US intelligence assets on the ground in Libya.)

“Second, we brought a measure of belated justice to the families of PanAm Flight 103. It would have been unconscionable to leave Ghadaffi in power, as Republicans suggested, when there was any chance to remove him. I stood with the families of PanAm 103.

“Third, we helped our allies in Britain and Europe. They will be strengthened by this foreign policy victory. The endangered North Atlantic alliance has been renewed.

“Fourth, while Democrats would surely vote against me in November, 2012, they would have to reflect on the fact that I was the only Republican presidential candidate willing to stand up and support a Democratic president’s foreign policy strategy. That can’t hurt me. I had the ‘right stuff’ to back an unpopular policy.

“Fifth, New Hampshire voters who support me, and Republican Party and independent voters who support me across America, can do so confident that they are supporting the only ‘adult’ presidential candidate when it comes to foreign policy. I will work to heal the wounds in this nation, and to remove foreign policy as a political flashpoint.

“Sixth, in the ‘new world’ American policy confronts today, I have shown I understand the subtleties and complexities that will require a new president to maneuver on behalf of our vial national interests with diminished resources and without unchallenged power. The Republican blowhards who are running for president are a foreign policy threat to every American.

“Seventh, whatever follows Ghadaffi can’t be as bad as he was. The world is a better place and a safer place now that he is gone. Why were Republicans unwilling to admit that by supporting his removal? I did.

“Finally, I am the only Republican presidential candidate who will swiftly bring our men and women home from Afghanistan. I have been the only national Republican to consistently stand against the Karzai dictatorship since 2006. Once again, I have shown that I am willing to do the right thing, even when it goes against partisan priorities. The American people are sick and tired of sending blood and treasure to Afghanistan to support the Karzai kleptocracy.

“So why I am different? I am the only Republican presidential candidate with ‘real’ foreign policy experience. While I never served on active duty in the military, I have been all around the world over the past four decades, in foxholes and firefights, in hostage situations and every form of challenge. My foreign policy judgment has always been vindicated, as it was when I was in Baghdad in 2003 and predicted the problems which lay ahead. My wisdom and judgment comes from real experience and from actually being in harm's way.

“I respect our men and women in uniform because I have seen them in action. I have the greatest respect for Governor Jon Huntsman. But his foreign policy ‘experience’ as a mouthpiece for Barack Obama in Beijing is not ‘experience.’ It is an embarrassment.

“At a time when other Republican presidential candidates are insulting the intelligence of the American people, I am showing that I have the wisdom, maturity, experience and judgment to stand across from Obama in the debates in 2012 and to hold Barack Obama accountable. That’s what Republicans and independents need. That’s what they have in my candidacy and only my candidacy.

“I hope the people of New Hampshire will grow to be as proud of me as I am of them,” Martin says. “I have proven during the course of this campaign that I am a rock solid, can I say ‘granite solid,’ candidate to run for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination.

“Today we can all celebrate the fall of Ghadaffi’s regime, and a measure of justice for the families and victims of PanAm Flight 103. That’s a lot to be grateful for.”



Republican Party Presidential Candidate Andy Martin


Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin takes a “victory lap” over his support of President Obama’s policy in Libya and Andy’s criticism of other Republican presidential candidates


Telephone news conference:

Dial-in Number: 1-800-466-8543

Conference Code: 510518


Monday, August 22nd, 20111:00 P.M. EDT

ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).


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LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” The Chicago Tribune calls him “Chicago’s own…political activist.” Andy is a legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world.

Martin has been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois and American politics and courts for over forty years. [] He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2011 – All Rights Reserved


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