Thursday, May 26, 2011

Andy Martin: Republican presidential candidates are wimps on Medicare, Social Security

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin will hold a Palm Beach news conference today, May 26th to charge that his primary opponents are “wimps” and that he is the only candidate who stands up for Medicare and Social Security. Martin says the “Corwin Catastrophe” should have been a wakeup call for Republicans inside the Beltway, but wasn’t.

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says his presidential primary opponents are wimps who are afraid to lead congress

Martin opens his Florida campaign with a Medicare news conference in Palm Beach

Martin has been/is airing a TV ad which supports Medicare and Social Security

Martin says Jane Corwin may have saved Republicans in 2012; she is the “canary in the mine shaft”



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Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin holds a Palm Beach news conference today, Thursday, May 26th to launch his Florida campaign with an attack on his opponents as “wimps” who are afraid to lead congress

Martin says the “Corwin Catastrophe” should have been a wakeup call for Beltway Republicans, but wasn’t.

Martin says he is the only “Main Street” Republican; the other presidentials all have a “Beltway” mentality

Martin says he would fix Medicare and Social Security and avoid the drastic cuts proposed by other Republicans

“Presidents are elected to lead,” Martin says, “not to follow congress.”

(PALM BEACH, FL)(May 26, 2011) Corruption-fighting Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin holds a Palm Beach, Florida news conference today, May 26th at 5:00 P.M. to launch his Florida campaign with an attack on the other Republican presidential candidates as “wimps.”

“We have seen the first test of leadership this week, and my opponents have all failed the test,” Martin says. “Like helpless puppies they have submitted to the Beltway theocracy that wants to gradually eliminate Social Security and Medicare.

“I am the only presidential candidate running an ad supporting Medicare and Social Security. (The ad is attached to this release). We produced our TV commercial early in May. We didn’t have to wait for the New York election to know what to do. I was leading, not following, on entitlement reform.

“First, I support the repeal of Obamacare. It doesn’t work and will bankrupt the United States.

“Second, I oppose the provisions of Obamacare that establish a de facto death panel and raid social security for half a trillion dollars.

“Third, along with both Republicans and responsible Democrats I know that we have to make adjustments to these programs. I will work on a bipartisan basis to adopt reforms which enjoy the support of the American people.

“Fourth, I acknowledge what Republicans do not: Social Security and Medicare strike a special chord in the American people because no one can escape old age. Old age is an affliction that all of us will face. Rich or poor, good or bad, we all grow old.

“As a little boy, I watched as my elders grappled with the illness and death of relatives. Later, it was my duty to supervise medical care, plan funerals and assess the impact of government programs as I filled out the paperwork. I don't know how many of my opponents have had similar experiences but if not they have no place dictating to the American people with reform schemes that fly in the face of human reality. Not political reality, human reality.

“We all grow old, and in the lottery of life some of us lose the capacity to care for ourselves earlier than others. My mother is 93; thanks to drug companies—who are unfortunately the target of relentless propaganda attacks from the Democrats—she is a healthy 93 and lives on her own. Her signature is clearer than mine. She is a lucky one.

“I am also a lucky one. I got through life without health insurance. Thankfully I didn’t need it. But I have friends that are now dependent on Medicare and Social Security, and I do not plan to abandon them to the ‘marketplace.’ Some of them could not make it on their own.

“Some Americans are incapacitated in their 60’s or 70’s. No one knows what God has in store for us. It’s in the Bible. So providing collectively for the ultimate end of all of us individually is not a bad idea.

“Are Medicare and Social Security perfect? No they are not. We can make adjustments, and we can make modifications. I will announce my reform plan at the next candidates’ debate. As a University of Illinois-trained economist with a specialty in consumer sampling and survey research I know what people want and what they do not feel will work for them.

“I support the articulated goals of the Republican Party; I take them at their word that they want to preserve Medicare (and Social Security). But we have to arrive at those goals other than by telling people who are old and ill that they have to ‘shop’ for insurance or investment advice.

“Recently, I was compelled to clobber some idiotic Republicans in New Hampshire that unfairly attacked me. Like Barack Obama, I come out of the Chicago School of Politics. That’s why I am the only Republican presidential candidate qualified and experienced enough to oppose Obama in 2012. It's not necessarily because I'm the nicest guy, although I am a nice guy. It's because I am clearly the toughest guy to face Obama. Why would Republicans choose less than the toughest opponent for Obama? I am a leader; the others are not.

“The national leadership of the Republican Party is incompetent and delusional. They campaigned in 2010 on a plan to reverse the Obama raid on Medicare, and then turned around in 2011 and proposed raiding Medicare themselves. They took Jane Corwin and turned her into a sacrificial lamb. Fortunately, the Republican Party is very good on defense; they are excellent at unwinding Democratic Party overreaching. Unfortunately, Republicans are very weak on offense. Every time they try to implement their own ideas, they fumble. I will do both.

“Today no one in New Hampshire doubts I will be a very tough and aggressive leader. They are learning the hard way that Andy Martin means business. We are not going to defeat Obama with the other ‘powder puff’ candidates we have now. We need a presidential candidate who is Chicago-tough and seasoned. My TV commercial anticipated the coming debacle in New York. Today I issue this diktat to my Beltway Republican presidential candidates: “Wake up, get real, and start listening to Main Street instead of trying to raid Main Street to support Wall Street. You won’t make it to the promised land of removing Obama from the White House without me as your candidate. I am the only Chicago street fighter in the Republican stable of presidential candidates. Just ask the people in New Hampshire about that.”

Martin’s Medicare TV spot is attached to this release; the commercial can also be seen at Martin’s YouTube channel and on his campaign’s home page.




Republican Party Presidential Candidate Andy Martin


Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says Republican presidential candidates are wimps; he is the only one to back Medicare, Social Security


Sidewalk, in front of 95 N. County Road, Palm Beach, Florida (U. S. Post Office)


Thursday, May 26, 2011, 5:00 P.M.


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ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” The Chicago Tribune calls him “Chicago’s own” and a “political activist.” Andy is a legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience.

Martin has also been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois politics and American courts for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


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