Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Presidential Candidate Andy Martin ready to claim New Hampshire GOP leader’s “scalp”

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin, also known as the Internet Powerhouse, notes that four months ago he promised to nail NH GOP leader Jack Kimball’s “scalp” to the table because of Kimball’s malicious and fraudulent attacks on Martin (see WMUR video). “Kimball’s scalp isn’t looking any too good,” Martin says.

Andy Martin says his February promise to remove NH GOP Chairman Jack Kimball is on schedule to succeed

Martin is continuing his radio attacks on Kimball and his cronies

Martin says Kimball is destroying the New Hampshire Republican Party



“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


P. O. Box 1851

New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639





Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says Jack Kimball is destroying the New Hampshire Republican Party

Martin says NH Republican Chairman Jack Kimball should go before Kimball is forced out

Martin says Kimball doomed himself by attacking Martin with lies, distortions and misrepresentations

Martin says Kimball’s attacks placed Martin in the role of the presidential primary’s “Billy Jack,” fighting and exposing arrogance and corruption

Martin says he’s ready to smoke a peace pipe with the NH GOP and make a contribution to support the party’s activities

(MANCHESTER, NH)(June 29, 2011) Four months ago Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin promised to nail NH GOP leader Jack Kimball’s “scalp” to the wall (see WMUR-TV video link below). Today Kimball is on the verge of being removed as party leader and Martin continues to saturate New Hampshire's conservative radio programs with commercials attacking Kimball and his “galpal” Jennifer Horn.

In the WMUR-TV video (still on the station’s web site, see link below) Martin says that Barack Obama respects Martin because both men play politics by “Chicago Rules.” Beginning in May Martin has relentlessly pounded Kimball with radio ads attacking Kimball for being a malicious smear artist. “I just renewed the ads for July,” Martin notes. “I promised to run them through the primary, and beyond, and they are running. My word is good.”

“It can’t be helping Kimball’s fund raising that he is up against a presidential candidate who is committed to removing Kimball, even if I have to stay until November, 2012,” Martin says. “Kimball is a moron who has no business being a leader. When Kimball picked on me and lied about me, he picked on the wrong person.”

Martin’s radio advertisement attacking Kimball and Horn can be heard on his web site

“I represent New Hampshire values,” Martin says. “Free speech, integrity, open minds, and an open primary where all candidates compete on a level playing field. Who is Kimball to censor free speech? Kimball fancies himself a Chicago-style ‘boss’ who can pick and choose which candidates can be heard. Voters have a right to hear the candidates and make their own decision. I have news for Kimball: even the corrupt Chicago bosses never tried to censor me. They knew better.

“Kimball tried to attack me but ironically his smear backfired. Now people know who the honest candidate is in the presidential primary, the independent, conservative maverick Republican--me. And who is the skunk at the garden party? Why Kimball, of course. People hear my ads and they are embarrassed by the way I was treated. Ask Kimball what it’s like to raise money when you are being attacked on the radio as a political thug.

“I’m not sure who coined the term ‘Internet Powerhouse’ to apply to my attacks on Barack Obama, but I exposed Barack Obama as a socialist fraud when the entire Republican party establishment was paralyzed and silent. Only Sister Sarah and I had the guts and the tactical insight to see that if Republicans were afraid to fight Obama we would saddle the nation with an incompetent jerk in the White House. And Palin, of course, was muzzled by Senator John McCain. I took the personal battle to Obama all alone. Grandpa McCain was too busy defending Obama to defeat him.

“That’s why friend and foe call me the ‘Internet Powerhouse.’ I promised Kimball in February we were going to get him, and we will. Kimball thought my promise was a joke. He’s not laughing any more.

“I am a proud conservative and I am a proud Republican but I am independent of the party bosses, fixers, bundlers, backroom dealers and all of the dirty tricksters that gives politics a bad name. Kimball represents all that is stinky. He leaked lies about me to the media to undermine my campaign. Kimball bragged that he had a ‘black ops’ guy on his team. I can teach Jack a lesson or two about black ops.

“Unfortunately for Kimball, he created my campaign to remove him. He stabbed me in the back with a pack of lies, without so much as a courtesy phone call or an effort to resolve things without a public spat. He thinks his tactics represent leadership? Kimball is a moron.

“When I announced my candidacy for president in Concord in Concord on December 29th I promised to drive the agenda of the 2012 presidential campaign. Well, six months later, I am still in the driver’s seat. Donald Trump cribbed my research (Trump never had any ‘investigators’ of his own) to run up the Birther flag. My analysis of why Herman Cain was ‘not ready for prime time’ triggered Cain’s decline. And I am in the process of deflating Michele Bachmann, who is a deeply confused candidate.

“My TV ads claim I represent New Hampshire values. And, yes, I am New Hampshire tough. But I have also spent decades fighting corruption in the nation’s capital of corruption, Chicago and Illinois. So I find Jack Kimball’s arrogance and corruption intolerable.

“What are my goals? First, Kimball must go. Second, we need to work out a ‘Peace Plan’ to undo Kimball’s attacks on my campaign. Third, I will financially support the NH GOP, even to the point of making funds available to subsidize Herman Cain’s luncheon. Herman needs the help. His campaign is imploding. Fourth, I plan to campaign hard in the New Hampshire primary.

“I am committed to defeating Barack Obama for reelection. I have a reputation and a track record as a fighter against Obama. What track record do the other candidates have? They are afraid to even criticize each other; how can they handle a street fighter like Obama? The sooner I can get rid of Jack Kimball and focus on fighting Obama, the happier I will be,” Martin says.

[Note: today we will be using a new telephone news conference feature with conference calling available from around the United States.]



Republican Party Presidential Candidate Andy Martin


Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says his promise to “scalp” New Hampshire GOP Chairman Jack Kimball is on the verge of success; Martin will keep running attack ads until Kimball is removed.


Telephone news conference:

Dial-in Number: 1-800-466-8543

Conference Code: 510518


Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 - 1:00 P.M.

ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).


Please Donate:


LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):





Andy Martin’s YouTube channel: (with up to date TV commercials)


ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” The Chicago Tribune calls him “Chicago’s own…political activist.” Andy is a legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience.

Martin has also been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois politics and American courts for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2011 – All Rights Reserved


Monday, June 27, 2011

Michele Bachmann’s candidacy amounts to Barack Obama’s best reelection strategy

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says President Barack Obama cannot win reelection on his own merits. Obama needs for the Republican Party to self-destruct. Bachmann’s candidacy will destroy any possibility of defeating Obama for reelection. Martin says the “chickens are coming home to roost”) (“Where have I heard that before?”) as Fox News’ pernicious impact on the Republican Party finally becomes obvious.

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says Michele Bachmann could reelect President Barack Obama

Martin says Bachmann is Obama’s best surrogate



“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


P. O. Box 1851

New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639


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Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin says Bachmann is a “creature and creation” of Fox News

Martin says Fox News harms Republicans by propping up “dead” candidates such as Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich with since-ended cash subsidies

Martin says Republicans erroneously believe Fox News is the “Republican channel;” it the money-for-Murdoch channel he says

Martin says Bachmann’s campaign will undermine the Republican Party’s efforts to defeat Barack Obama

“Bachman represents the rise of the Christofascist wing of the party,” Andy charges

(PALM BEACH, FL)(June 27, 2011) The Republican Party’s worst nightmare begins today: Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is launched in Iowa. Oh, you weren’t aware that Obama was in Iowa to announce his candidacy? Well, actually he isn’t there. Michele Bachmann is announcing for him.

I have a neighbor and we often chat on the sidewalk while he walks his dog. He likes to say a “ham sandwich” can defeat President Barack Obama for reelection in 2012. I don’t believe that.

I’ll start these remarks by flaunting my intellectual pretenses. I once heard the British philosopher Isaiah Berlin deliver a “colloquium” at Oxford discussing a ditty attributed to the Greek poet Archilochus: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” Barack Obama is actually dumb, despite his reputed brilliance. He can’t lead, he can’t manage and he can’t inspire. Except in one dimension. Like the hedgehog Obama knows “one big thing:” he knows how to campaign and how to promote himself for office.

So when you hear people such as my neighbor compare Obama’s political fortunes to a ham sandwich, know that conceit and complacency is wrong. Dead wrong. Obama will be a formidable candidate in 2012 whatever the state of the economy and whatever the state of the American spirit. He will capture the zeitgeist and convince tens of millions of Americans he can “do it” if only he is given four more years.

Personally, I think Obama can be beaten by the right Republican. I’m not the only one, but I am among several that could probably accomplish the mission. My calling card is that I was Obama’s first critic (in 2004), laid out in a 2008 bestselling book many of Obama’s mysteries (see below) and understand the inner workings of the Obama “machine” better than anyone else I have encountered.

But I am obviously not one of the top five Republican presidential candidates. If you want to know where I think we stand nationally, it’s probably ninth place. I'm in the top ten, but not in the media’s line of sight right now. We are doing much better in New Hampshire.

So what does all of this have to do with Michele Bachmann?

Bachmann represents the rise of the Christofascist wing of the Republican Party. Hard economic times always create the conditions where delusion and paranoia can propagate. Bachmann’s appeal stems from her undiluted delusions and her extreme political paranoia. Unless someone stops Bachmann she will reverse the Republican Party’s momentum to remove Barack Obama.

No one can do more to reelect Barack Obama than Michele Bachmann. Except perhaps Fox News. Fox News, you say? You thought that was the “Republican” channel? Well yes and no. How does Fox News help Obama?

Fox News has already had two pernicious effects on the 2012 presidential election. First, Michele Bachmann is really a creature and creation of Fox News. Fox popularized her rants and made her a national figure. Secondly, Fox News has had numerous “presidential candidates” on the payroll, and provided endless visibility and viability for people that would not otherwise have any credibility. Fox News' propping up “dead” candidates does not exactly help the Republican Party. I speak, of course, of the superannuated Newton Gingrich and Rick Santorum. By publicizing and propping up dead horses like Gingrich and Santorum, Fox News actually hurts the Republican Party’s winnowing process. Ask any gardener (I’m one): if you water the weeds, the grass won’t grow.

So am I down on Bachmann? Not entirely. She’s amusing and entertaining as well as threatening. I would call Bachmann a charismatic airhead. But Bachmann is going to start doing real damage to the presidential campaign today. Put this column aside and reread it in six months. Remember, I spotted Obama as a fraud in 2004 and fought him in 2008 when most Republicans were passive and unresponsive about opposing Mr. O.

Bachmann, of course, is not going to be the next president. But she could well tip the scales and bring Texas Governor Rick Perry into the campaign as the Republican establishment desperately tries to stem a Bachmann tide.

Bachman destroys the image the party has projected since 1952. Republicans have portrayed themselves as the “party of governance.” You might not like Republicans, but you turn to them to “govern” when the Democrats can’t or won’t or screw things up. Governance elected Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush. And it elected Republican majorities in 2010. But Bachmann has no credentials as a governing leader.

Bachmann is basically a political fraud; she is an Obama-like creature of the conservative right. She is a paper maché created by Fox News to entertain and sell advertising, not win elections (remember, in 2008, Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, was groveling to and promoting Obama's candidacy, not McCain's). Bachmann has an agenda, hard-right social policies focused on abortion, just as Obama has his agenda, socialism on the left. I’ll have more to say about Bachmann’s bogus “Tea Party” credentials in a later column.

In 2007 we used to say that if a white man ran with Obama’s resume his candidacy would be a joke. The liberal media created an affirmative action president. Well if a man was running with Bachmann’s embarrassing resume, his candidacy would be a joke. The liberal media are about to stick it to the Republican Party by promoting Bachmann’s candidacy, and Republicans don’t even see the poisoned needle going in.

Bachmann says she was a “tax attorney.” Well, in some sense, she was. She went to a discredited right-wing law school that later lost its accreditation and went bust. Not exactly a law school to brag about, unless you are a right-wing activist. You had to take a loyalty oath to Jesus Christ to be admitted. She has apparently dissembled about a Master's Degree in law; we'll see how that one works out when the spotlight is turned on that claim. The IRS hires thousands of law school graduates who can’t otherwise find legal jobs to serve as “lawyers” for the IRS. They litigate small claims cases. Bachmann was a collection lawyer.

Can you find Bachmann listed as counsel in any federal court opinion, or appellate court opinion? Just ask Barack Obama. Obama was also a “lawyer” who never signed a lawsuit. How many lawsuits has “lawyer” Bachmann filed in U. S. District Court? None. Freedom of Information, anyone?

I have filed a Freedom of Information request with Minnesota authorities to release Bachmann’s foster care records. That is another Bachmann fraud. Listening to her you would think she had thirty people in her home. Untrue. Surprised? You should be surprised that I was the first person to dig for the documents. Mine is the first freedom of information request to open Bachmann’s foster care records. I am sure it will not be the last. As usual, when it comes to debunking bogus politicians, I am in the forefront, not the back of the parade.

Bachmann talks about her foster care “family.” But have you seen any of this “family” backing her lately? I haven’t. She’ll tell you the names of her kids are “secret” to protect the children’s' privacy. But privacy laws only apply to names if the now-adults want them to remain secret. All of the foster kids are adults now. Why would your “kids” want to remain secret if their “mom” is running for president? And if she saved the lives of this troop of children, as she claims? Would you remain secret and “private” if someone had saved your life? Doubtful.

I could go on, but you get the picture. In Minnesota, where investigative journalism is not exactly cutting edge, Bachmann has slipped through the screening. She represents her congressional district tolerably and in return is given a free pass to make ridiculous statements on Fox News. Her in-laws collect or have collected federal farm subsidies (while she rails against government handouts) and her husband pockets state cash we well. Do as I say, not as I do!

The bigger noose around Bachmann’s neck is that she is the ultimate culture warrior at a time when Obama has made a shambles of the economy and culture war is not on the agenda of most Americans. People want jobs; Bachmann wants to ban abortions. Her entire public career has been focused on making abortion illegal, and doing what she can to achieve that goal through thick and thin. Bachmann’s pro-life fangs are now being exposed as she tries to undercut Mitt Romney for not signing an absurd pro-life pledge to violate the U. S. Constitution.

She can’t conceal her own extremism. Like Doctor Strangelove’s arm, that wouldn't stay down, Bachmann is going to appeal to the pro-life wing of the party and send that wing into a frenzy. OK, that's her right as a candidate. But does this frenzy serve the broader purpose of defeating Obama for reelection? I don't think so.

Obama couldn’t be happier with Bachmann’s candidacy. (She is Pat Buchanan’s 1992 campaign against an as-yet undetermined “Bush” updated for 2012.) In fact if I were Obama and Michelle Obama, I’d make the maximum contribution to Bachmann’s campaign. Bachmann will do more to reelect Obama than Obama can do himself.

Bachmann cheapens the rhetoric of the Republican Party. She doesn’t have a platform. Instead she has a series of platitudes. “One-term president.” “Al-Qaeda in Libya.” “Repeal Obamacare.” This series of catch-phrases works well as sound bites. But they will wear thin very soon as Bachmann’s vacuity makes a joke of the Republican nominating process.

I have not taken the same oath as some of the other Republican candidates not to criticize my competitors. In the modern age, refusing to criticize your primary opponents is both stupid and suicidal for the party. If we don’t critique ourselves, Obama’s hit men will do it for us in September, 2012. Unlike Bachmann, I actually have some life experiences that qualify me to understand the world, and I can express complex thoughts. I am capable of being critical, and being correct about my criticism.

Obama is “praying” (Muslim or Christian?) for Bachmann to sink the Republican ship and ensure his reelection. From my analytical sources deep within Team Obama I can see that Obama & Co. are promoting a Bachmann candidacy as their best hope of scaring Americans into voting for Obama’s reelection.

Let me close with this warning to my presidential primary colleagues/competitors. Mr. Romney and Mr. Pawlenty and Mr. Perry: Gentlemen, if you don’t develop a strategy to undermine Michele Bachmann and expose her incompetence and unfitness for the presidency, and develop this strategy very soon, you will live to regret it.

You have been warned.

As for Fox News, once again Rupert Murdoch is laughing all the way to the bank.


MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329


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LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):






Andy Martin’s YouTube channel: (with up to date TV commercials)


ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” The Chicago Tribune calls him “Chicago’s own…political activist.” Andy is a legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience.

Martin has also been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois politics and American courts for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at;

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2011 – All Rights Reserved


Andy Martin’s New Hampshire Progress Report

Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin provides an analysis of the progress of his presidential campaign in the nation’s First Primary state.


“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


Campaign mail:

P. O. Box 1851, New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639


June 26, 2011

Dear Republican:

I’d like to give you an exciting progress report on the state of my presidential campaign in New Hampshire. I think after reading these brief remarks you will agree we are doing very well and much better than anyone ever expected. And we expect to do even better in the days ahead.

First, you may have seen our new TV ad in opposition to Northern Pass. We previously sent you this advertisement in an earlier email. The ad is appearing on WMUR-TV. I am the only presidential candidate who is actively opposing Northern Pass. Based on my over 40 years of environmental legal experience I am convinced Northern Pass is bad for New Hampshire. We have two blogs (see above) dedicated to fighting Northern Pass. Although Northern Pass is saturating the state with ads supporting Northern Pass, my presidential campaign represents the only media opposition to Northern Pass.

Second, last week we finished another New Hampshire TV spot, which highlights my family ties to the state. I am attaching the new TV ad to this email (it will be scheduled to appear on TV in New Hampshire; the Northern Pass ad runs first). Based on my longstanding ties to the state I am New Hampshire’s de facto “Favorite Son” candidate in the presidential primary.

Third, we are also running radio ads defending my candidacy. As you may know, there was some unpleasantness with state chairman Jack Kimball. Kimball’s inappropriate behavior is no way influences my view of the many fine Republicans of New Hampshire. New Hampshire voters want to hear for themselves and they want to decide for themselves who to vote for. They don’t want Kimball to be a Chicago-style boss who makes decisions for them. I think Jack’s attacks backfired.

Fourth, later in July we are going to take a major step to promote New Hampshire’s “First in the Nation” primary. That’s what a “Favorite Son” candidate does. I’m doing.

On July 8th we will kick off a series of local appearances across the state. Newt Gingrich went to the Greek Islands for his “vacation.” I am coming to New Hampshire for my “staycation.” I’ll have to make do with a Greek salad. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet in person during my extended visit. You can find me at Hampton Beach, where I spent every summer as a child.

In the days ahead I will also be writing about the issues (sometimes surprising you with my views) and also raising the hackles of my presidential campaign opponents by pointing out their foibles and weaknesses (but always with the back story and an explanation of my tactics).

We are the most transparent and accessible presidential campaign. You can actually get me on the cell phone much of the time, try (866) 706-2639 and it should transfer. You can call us to complain, or with kind words. We take all callers.

I hope you will take a look at our two new TV ads which accompany this email and also make the effort to meet personally. My campaign is well-organized and has a coherent campaign strategy. I am not yet among the top 5 candidates in the New Hampshire presidential primary. But I am the unchallenged #1 in TV advertising and commitment to the People of New Hampshire.

Best wishes,



Monday, June 20, 2011

Andy Martin seeks Michele Bachmann’s Minnesota foster care records

Andy Martin’s letters to Governor Mark Dayton and Representative Michele Bachmann seeking Minnesota state records/files on Bachmann’s foster care history


“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


Campaign mail:

P. O. Box 1851, New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639


June 20, 2011

Governor Mark Dayton

130 State Capitol

St. Paul, MN 55155

via fax (651) 797-1850

with copy to:

Commissioner Lucinda Jesson

P.O. Box 64998

St. Paul, MN 55164-0998

(651) 431-7455

Request for copies and/or access to state records

pursuant to Minnesota Government Data Practices Act

Re: Access to state records concerning Michele Bachmann foster care license, foster care payment records and foster care client files (redacted)

Dear Governor Dayton:

I am writing directly to your office because the Department of Human Services is under the governor’s direction and control. Because of the significance of this request the governor’s office should be involved in supervising the overall response by the state.

Questions involving Representative Michele Bachmann’s prior service as a licensed foster care provider for the State of Minnesota have recently arisen as a result of my commentaries expressing doubts about her public claims.

I would like to request the following from the State of Minnesota (i.e. the governor’s office acting through DHS and any subordinate agencies of the state):

1. A copy or copies of Michele Bachman’s foster care licenses(s) and license records/files (in case there were renewals or correspondence, reports, etc. in her state files);

2. Copies of all financial payments made to Ms. Bachmann by the state in her capacity as a foster care parent.

3. Copies of records of ages, dates of placement and periods of placement for all foster care placements with Ms. Bachmann. I recognize that the identities of the children are probably protected by state law, and you are obviously entitled to redact directly identifying information or names of any children that were state clients who were placed with Ms. Bachmann.

Please let me know what the cost for copies will be.

Because time is of the essence I respectfully request that my MGDPA request be processed as expeditiously as possible.

Prior to preparing this request I did appropriate due diligence on Minnesota law, see e.g. IBEW v. St. Cloud, 765 N.W.2d 64 (Minn. 2009), Northwest Publications v. Bloomington, 499 N.W.2d 509 (Minn.App. 1993) and I believe my request for documents complies fully with applicable principles of Minnesota law. I believe my request is complete and all-inclusive but in the event I am incorrect please get in touch immediately. Feel free to call me, or fax or email if you need more information.

Respectfully submitted,




“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


Campaign mail:

P. O. Box 1851, New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639


June 20, 2011

Hon. Michele Bachmann, M.C.

House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20516

via fax (202) 225-6475,

(651) 731-6650

Dear Representative Bachmann:

In order to resolve the factual controversy and confusion over your previous foster care activity mentioned on TV I have filed a request under the MGDPA to obtain access to the State of Minnesota’s foster care records concerning your placements.

I am writing to ask you to waive any personal privacy claims which you might assert to release of the information concerning yourself. The foster children have their own independent privacy rights which will be asserted by state officials as they release redacted documents and data concerning the placements with you.

Respectfully submitted,

