Monday, June 20, 2011

Andy Martin seeks Michele Bachmann’s Minnesota foster care records

Andy Martin’s letters to Governor Mark Dayton and Representative Michele Bachmann seeking Minnesota state records/files on Bachmann’s foster care history


“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


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P. O. Box 1851, New York, NY 10150-1851

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June 20, 2011

Governor Mark Dayton

130 State Capitol

St. Paul, MN 55155

via fax (651) 797-1850

with copy to:

Commissioner Lucinda Jesson

P.O. Box 64998

St. Paul, MN 55164-0998

(651) 431-7455

Request for copies and/or access to state records

pursuant to Minnesota Government Data Practices Act

Re: Access to state records concerning Michele Bachmann foster care license, foster care payment records and foster care client files (redacted)

Dear Governor Dayton:

I am writing directly to your office because the Department of Human Services is under the governor’s direction and control. Because of the significance of this request the governor’s office should be involved in supervising the overall response by the state.

Questions involving Representative Michele Bachmann’s prior service as a licensed foster care provider for the State of Minnesota have recently arisen as a result of my commentaries expressing doubts about her public claims.

I would like to request the following from the State of Minnesota (i.e. the governor’s office acting through DHS and any subordinate agencies of the state):

1. A copy or copies of Michele Bachman’s foster care licenses(s) and license records/files (in case there were renewals or correspondence, reports, etc. in her state files);

2. Copies of all financial payments made to Ms. Bachmann by the state in her capacity as a foster care parent.

3. Copies of records of ages, dates of placement and periods of placement for all foster care placements with Ms. Bachmann. I recognize that the identities of the children are probably protected by state law, and you are obviously entitled to redact directly identifying information or names of any children that were state clients who were placed with Ms. Bachmann.

Please let me know what the cost for copies will be.

Because time is of the essence I respectfully request that my MGDPA request be processed as expeditiously as possible.

Prior to preparing this request I did appropriate due diligence on Minnesota law, see e.g. IBEW v. St. Cloud, 765 N.W.2d 64 (Minn. 2009), Northwest Publications v. Bloomington, 499 N.W.2d 509 (Minn.App. 1993) and I believe my request for documents complies fully with applicable principles of Minnesota law. I believe my request is complete and all-inclusive but in the event I am incorrect please get in touch immediately. Feel free to call me, or fax or email if you need more information.

Respectfully submitted,




“The Right Republican” for

President of the United States

Join the New Ronald Reagan Revolution


Campaign mail:

P. O. Box 1851, New York, NY 10150-1851

Tel. (866) 706-2639 Fax (866) 707-2639


June 20, 2011

Hon. Michele Bachmann, M.C.

House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20516

via fax (202) 225-6475,

(651) 731-6650

Dear Representative Bachmann:

In order to resolve the factual controversy and confusion over your previous foster care activity mentioned on TV I have filed a request under the MGDPA to obtain access to the State of Minnesota’s foster care records concerning your placements.

I am writing to ask you to waive any personal privacy claims which you might assert to release of the information concerning yourself. The foster children have their own independent privacy rights which will be asserted by state officials as they release redacted documents and data concerning the placements with you.

Respectfully submitted,



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